
If your item is in stock in our store then it will usually be shipped the next day. Depending on where in Australia you are will determine the amount of time it takes to reach you. 

Items that are not in stock will either be drop-shipped directly to you or may take a few extra days to arrive at our shop before being dispatched.

We will send you a consignment number so that you can keep an eye on the progress of your delivery.

The Roof Rack industry as have many others has been affected by long-term stock issues. We endeavor to keep every product that we list on our site.

Delivery time ETA

Metro NSW, QLD, VIC  2-3 days    (Country areas 5-7 days)

Metro SA, WA, NT, TAS  7-10 Days  (Country areas 10-14 Days)

Delivery times are just an estimate and may differ depending upon the current restrictions of transport companies and individuals due to the ongoing Covid crisis.